Ottawa 2019
CSPE @ Ottawa – MikroTik Event
This training event is conducted by Canada’s own Alain Casault, one of Mikrotik’s top rated trainers in Canada.
Mikrotik Certified Network Associate is the first step in the Mikrotik certification track and is for Network Administrators, ISP techs and others who want to get better understanding of Mikrotik RouterOS.
RouterOS Firewalls, volume 1
This training has been created to address more advanced topics that the MTCNA class does not.
Class Information:
Date & Time: September 10th to 12th 8AM-5PM (MTCNA) – September 13th 8AM-5PM (RouterOS Firewalls, volume 1). Both classes will be taught in English.
- MTCNA only: $895+tx
- MTCNA + RouterOS Firewalls: $1195+tx (a $150 saving from regular prices)
Participants must have a good understanding of networking and the TCP/IP protocol.
MTCNA course description:
The course covers basic knowledge necessary to install, configure and troubleshoot Mikrotik RouterOS. In addition, several labs will be done to apply the knowledge gained during the class. the course follows MikroTik curriculum and covers the following:
- Installing, upgrading and first login to Mikrotik RouterOS
- Setting up a local area network
- Static and dynamic IP routing
- Firewall filters and NAT
- Simple Queues
- Wireless networks
- Bridging, VPN and Tunnelling
- Finished with the online certification exam
Complete course description here.
RouterOS Firewalls, volume 1 course description:
The course goes through the firewall options to address less common setups that network experts are often asked to supply. This course covers the following:
- Quick MTCNA recap of firewall concepts
- Protecting your router and internal networks
- Times based rules and temporary permissions
- NATting and Mangling
Complete course description here.
What to bring with you:
- A power bar with 4-6 plugs and 6-foot cord
- A 10-foot extension cord
- 1 x 20-foot network cable (or longer)
- 2 x 3-foot network cables
- Laptop with
- Administrative rights (you MUST be able to disable the firewall and change the IP addresses of your network cards)
- Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces
- Something to take notes with
- Important: Please bring (minimally) a four or five-port MikroTik router with Wi-Fi capabilities. It must support 802.11n in the 2.4GHz band. Routers in the hAP family are good examples of models you could use.
The event will take place in the offices of Elastalink in Ottawa.
570 Industrial Ave
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Y9
Since Elastalink offers advanced services using MikroTik products, you can enquire about their services directly from them. Xagyl, a MikroTik reseller, is located in the same building. Should you forget your router (or need a new one!), you can buy one from them (model availability depending on stock).
Alain Casault would like to thank Elastalink for hosting this event.
Please visit their website here
Many hotels are available in Ottawa. You should be able to find one that will best suit your needs.
To register:
Simply select the package you desire and click on the « Buy Now » button below and follow PayPal’s instructions. We will contact you a few days later after your order has been placed to validate some details, so it’s OK if you don’t specify the e-mails of all participants. But please make sure you supply an e-mail we can reach easily.
If you have questions regarding this training session, please contact us here.
Last year’s training session was a success, so make sure you register before the seats (10 maximum) are filled. Hope to see you in large numbers!
Refund policy
If you cancel more than a week prior to the training session, fee of $150 are applicable. No refunds for cancellations one week prior to the event.